SuperGeekery: A blog probably of interest only to nerds by John F Morton.

A blog prob­a­bly of inter­est only to nerds by John F Mor­ton.

Link List

Wel­come to my link library. These are not links to con­tent I have cre­at­ed unless you see that men­tioned in the link’s descrip­tion. These are links I found inter­est­ing enough to want to keep track of. If you read Craft Link List, the Craft CMS newslet­ter I used to write, this page is a replace­ment of sorts for that exer­cise. Enough talk. Let’s hit the links.


Axidraw + Processing

This tuto­r­i­al is addressed to peo­ple who want to learn how to gen­er­ate forms with Pro­cess­ing to be print­ed with the axidraw plot­ter.


CSS is fun again

CSS is under­go­ing a qui­et renais­sance,” incor­po­rat­ing many sig­nif­i­cant fea­tures that pre­vi­ous­ly required exter­nal tools into the native parts of the lan­guage.



The use of pen plot­ters and oth­er draw­ing machines has become an impor­tant part of the mod­ern gen­er­a­tive art and dig­i­tal art scene. For those who are con­sid­er­ing intro­duc­ing a pen plot­ter in the future, I rec­om­mend a pen plot­ter.


Learn Performance  |

This course is designed for those new to web per­for­mance, a vital aspect of the user expe­ri­ence. It cov­ers key web per­for­mance con­cepts and tech­niques for improv­ing per­for­mance.


Terrapin Attack

The Ter­rapin attack is a pre­fix trun­ca­tion attack tar­get­ing the SSH pro­to­col, where the integri­ty of SSH’s secure chan­nel is com­pro­mised by manip­u­lat­ing sequence num­bers dur­ing the hand­shake, allow­ing an attack­er to remove mes­sages from the secure chan­nel with­out detec­tion.


HTML Web Components - Ajax Form

Last week, Jere­my Kei­th wrote about what he calls HTML Web Com­po­nents. Some peo­ple treat Web Com­po­nents like JS library com­po­nents, where every­thing is ren­dered with JavaScript.



Grow wis­er and retain books bet­ter: Read­wise sends you a dai­ly email resur­fac­ing your best high­lights from Kin­dle, Instapa­per, iBooks, and more.


Modern Font Stacks

Sys­tem font stack CSS orga­nized by type­face clas­si­fi­ca­tion for every mod­ern OS. The fastest fonts avail­able. No down­load­ing, no lay­out shifts, no flash­es — just instant ren­ders.


The Email Marketing Glossary

The email mar­ket­ing glos­sary you always want­ed. Look up those pesky, con­fus­ing acronyms and make your life eas­i­er with this handy guide.


From .obj to pen plotter

Dis­cov­er our col­lec­tion of tuto­ri­als cov­er­ing a wide range of tech­niques and soft­ware includ­ing Python, Pro­cess­ing, Cin­e­ma 4D, Grasshop­per, Sketch and much more.


Tutorials generative art

Dis­cov­er our col­lec­tion of tuto­ri­als cov­er­ing a wide range of tech­niques and soft­ware includ­ing Python, Pro­cess­ing, Cin­e­ma 4D, Grasshop­per, Sketch and much more.


Tutorials generative art

Dis­cov­er our col­lec­tion of tuto­ri­als cov­er­ing a wide range of tech­niques and soft­ware includ­ing Python, Pro­cess­ing, Cin­e­ma 4D, Grasshop­per, Sketch and much more.


Pinokio AI browser

Pinokio is a brows­er that lets you install, run, and auto­mate any AI appli­ca­tions and mod­els auto­mat­i­cal­ly and effort­less­ly.