SuperGeekery: A blog probably of interest only to nerds by John F Morton.

A blog prob­a­bly of inter­est only to nerds by John F Mor­ton.

Link List

Wel­come to my link library. These are not links to con­tent I have cre­at­ed unless you see that men­tioned in the link’s descrip­tion. These are links I found inter­est­ing enough to want to keep track of. If you read Craft Link List, the Craft CMS newslet­ter I used to write, this page is a replace­ment of sorts for that exer­cise. Enough talk. Let’s hit the links.

Tagged with ”coding”

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The death of the stubborn developer

How stub­born devel­op­ers are get­ting left behind by refus­ing to adopt chat-ori­ent­ed pro­gram­ming (CHOP) as their pri­ma­ry devel­op­ment approach.



JavaScript and WebAssem­bly imple­men­ta­tions of the Held-Karp algo­rithm for solv­ing the trav­el­ling sales­man prob­lem — qnt­m/held-karp


Promises From The Ground Up

The Promis­es” API is a sur­pris­ing­ly tricky part of mod­ern JavaScript. With­out the right con­text, it doesn’t make much sense at all! In this tuto­r­i­al, you’ll build an intu­ition for how Promis­es work by get­ting a deep­er under­stand­ing of JavaScript and its lim­i­ta­tions.


Laravel Herd

One-click PHP devel­op­ment envi­ron­ment. Zero depen­den­cies. Zero headaches. Lar­avel Devel­op­ment per­fect­ed.



A beau­ti­ful and pow­er­ful syn­tax high­lighter


Javascript Generators for Animated Generative Sketches

In this tuto­r­i­al we’ll have a look at javascript gen­er­a­tors and how they can be used for ani­mat­ing the draw­ing phase for our gen­er­a­tive sketch­es. We’ll cov­er every­thing from syn­tax to actu­al­ly imple­ment­ing a sim­ple exam­ple using p5’s draw loop.