Vigilant - Manage logs across your stack
Vigilant is a tool for aggregating application logs. Use the SDK to send logs and view them in a dashboard.
SuperGeekery: A blog probably of interest only to nerds by John F Morton.
Welcome to my link library. These are not links to content I have created unless you see that mentioned in the link’s description. These are links I found interesting enough to want to keep track of. If you read Craft Link List, the Craft CMS newsletter I used to write, this page is a replacement of sorts for that exercise. Enough talk. Let’s hit the links.
Vigilant is a tool for aggregating application logs. Use the SDK to send logs and view them in a dashboard.
Recommended sticker printer
Jos Vromans writes about using steganography to add the code that was needed to generate an image, into the image data itself.
Randomly generating puzzles is a nice problem for beginners and tinkerers, so I wanted to write up the approach that I came up with.
P5JS doesn’t offer native SVG support, there is however a way to run P5 in an ‘SVG’ mode using zenozeng’s SVG runtime. Running P5 in this SVG mode also requires a lot of interaction with the DOM, which we’ll discuss in this post.
A course due for release in Sept 2024 on plainting with plotters, like AxiDraw.
Coding my handwriting in Javascript — how I did it and what I’m doing with it.
P5JS doesn’t offer native SVG support, there is however a way to run P5 in an ‘SVG’ mode using zenozeng’s SVG runtime. Running P5 in this SVG mode also requires a lot of interaction with the DOM, which we’ll discuss in this post.
In this tutorial we’ll have a look at javascript generators and how they can be used for animating the drawing phase for our generative sketches. We’ll cover everything from syntax to actually implementing a simple example using p5’s draw loop.
Gentle step-by-step guide through the abstract and complex universe of Fragment Shaders.
Polar shapes are an incredibly simple concept that can form the foundation of some interesting and complex forms in generative art and graphics programming.
Archived Fractal Forums discussion board.
At Bantam Tools, we build desktop CNC machines with professional reliability and precision to support world changers and skill builders. Pen plotters and 3D printers.
A particle pack art collection that is useful for ThreeJs particle creation.
Many materials have a well-characterized refractive index, but these indices often depend strongly upon the frequency of light, causing optical dispersion.
Hundreds of free PBR texture sets, ready to use for any purpose. No login required.
An utility to tweak matcaps, with realtime visual feedback.
Huge library of matcap PNG textures organized by color — nidorx/matcaps: Huge library of matcap PNG textures organized by color
Twitter: @mattdesl Drawing lines might not sound like rocket science, but it’s damn difficult to do well in OpenGL, particularly WebGL. Here I explore a few different techniques for 2D and 3D line rendering, and accompany each with a small canvas… | Matt DesLauriers | creative developer
A collection of posts covering a blend of technology, design, code, and creativity.
Le Random is building a digital generative art institution.
vsketch is made for plotter users, by plotter users. It’s feature set is focused on the peculiarities of this medium and doesn’t aim to solve other problems.
A roundup of what you need to start pen plotting and creative coding.
The use of pen plotters and other drawing machines has become an important part of the modern generative art and digital art scene. For those who are considering introducing a pen plotter in the future, I recommend a pen plotter.
A Javascript library for representing, manipulating, and drawing periodic tilings of the plane. — isohedral/tactile-js: A Javascript library for representing, manipulating, and drawing periodic tilings of the plane.
Render WebGL as SVGs using three.js.
Henrique Celso and I teamed up to push the boundaries, exploring what happens when you mix motion and A.I. Here’s the result ;-)…
A font based on Voronoi algorithm