SuperGeekery: A blog probably of interest only to nerds by John F Morton.

A blog prob­a­bly of inter­est only to nerds by John F Mor­ton.


If the stuff I use every day is of any inter­est, here’s what I’m using.

Editor & Terminal

  • VSCode is what I use most often for cod­ing HTML, JS, and CSS. Out-of-the-box, it’s quite busy, but Make VS Code Awe­some real­ly helps fix that.
  • PHP­Storm is what I turn to when doing PHP which is almost always in the con­text of work­ing on a Craft CMS plu­g­in.
  • Sub­lime Text is my oth­er text edi­tor. Yes, a third text edi­tor seems like overkill, but Sub­lime Text is fast and unfussy.
  • Prompt 3 is the ter­mi­nal I use on my Mac and iOS devices. I like that it uses SSH keys stored in my secure enclave on my machines. It also syncs my favorites across my devices. Warp is my oth­er ter­mi­nal. It’s AI fea­tures are mak­ing it a close con­tender to Prompt.
  • I use Mono­lisa, a beau­ti­ful mono-space font for my code.

This site

  • The site is built with [Craft CMS](https://​craftcms​.com] with a MySQL data­base.
  • I built the serv­er with Lar­avel Forge on Dig­i­tal Ocean

Desktop Apps


  • If you are a client of mine, you’ve prob­a­bly received per­son­al screen­casts from me. I use Cam­ta­sia for Mac to make these videos.
  • I use a Shure MV51 micro­phone.


  • I’m cur­rent­ly using a Mac­Book Pro.
  • I have the LG Ultra­fine 5K exter­nal mon­i­tor and an inex­pen­sive Dell 4K mon­i­tor.

updat­ed 26MAR2025

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