If the stuff I use every day is of any interest, here’s what I’m using.
Editor & Terminal
- VSCode is what I use most often for coding HTML, JS, and CSS. Out-of-the-box, it’s quite busy, but Make VS Code Awesome really helps fix that.
- PHPStorm is what I turn to when doing PHP which is almost always in the context of working on a Craft CMS plugin.
- Sublime Text is my other text editor. Yes, a third text editor seems like overkill, but Sublime Text is fast and unfussy.
- Prompt 3 is the terminal I use on my Mac and iOS devices. I like that it uses SSH keys stored in my secure enclave on my machines. It also syncs my favorites across my devices. Warp is my other terminal. It’s AI features are making it a close contender to Prompt.
- I use Monolisa, a beautiful mono-space font for my code.
This site
- The site is built with [Craft CMS](] with a MySQL database.
- I built the server with Laravel Forge on Digital Ocean
Desktop Apps
- I’m a huge fan of Alfred.
- Keyboard Maestro
- Git Tower is the GUI I rely on to interact with my git repos.
- If you are a client of mine, you’ve probably received personal screencasts from me. I use Camtasia for Mac to make these videos.
- I use a Shure MV51 microphone.
- I’m currently using a MacBook Pro.
- I have the LG Ultrafine 5K external monitor and an inexpensive Dell 4K monitor.
updated 26MAR2025
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