SuperGeekery: A blog probably of interest only to nerds by John F Morton.

A blog prob­a­bly of inter­est only to nerds by John F Mor­ton.

Link List

Wel­come to my link library. These are not links to con­tent I have cre­at­ed unless you see that men­tioned in the link’s descrip­tion. These are links I found inter­est­ing enough to want to keep track of. If you read Craft Link List, the Craft CMS newslet­ter I used to write, this page is a replace­ment of sorts for that exer­cise. Enough talk. Let’s hit the links.


LDRS — UI Ball

Free, open-source load­ing ani­ma­tions. Avail­able as copy/​paste HTML or drop-in web com­po­nents. Com­pat­i­ble with every mod­ern frame­work.



JavaScript and WebAssem­bly imple­men­ta­tions of the Held-Karp algo­rithm for solv­ing the trav­el­ling sales­man prob­lem — qnt­m/held-karp


HTTP Security Headers: A complete guide to HTTP headers

HTTP Secu­ri­ty Head­ers are essen­tial to any web­site. Learn about the HSTS head­er, Con­tent Secu­ri­ty Pol­i­cy head­er CSP, XSS pro­tec­tion, cache con­trol, strict trans­port secu­ri­ty, set-cook­ie head­er, and many more http head­ers in this com­pre­hen­sive guide with exam­ples and take your web­site secu­ri­ty head­er game to the next lev­el with Dark­re­lay.


HTML Form Validation is heavily underused

HTML Forms have pow­er­ful val­i­da­tion mech­a­nisms, but they are heav­i­ly under­used. In fact, not many peo­ple even know much about them. Is this because of some flaw in their design? Let’s explore.


Free Faces

This web­site is a curat­ed col­lec­tion of type­faces that are avail­able under a vari­ety of free licences some­where on the inter­webs.


Programming With ChatGPT | Henrik Warne's blog

The author finds using Chat­G­PT for pro­gram­ming to be a real pro­duc­tiv­i­ty boost, allow­ing for tai­lored code and speed­ing up work, and prefers using Chat­G­PT over GitHub CoPi­lot and Claude for gen­er­at­ing code, find­ing it more use­ful and famil­iar.