SuperGeekery: A blog probably of interest only to nerds by John F Morton.

A blog prob­a­bly of inter­est only to nerds by John F Mor­ton.


What am I doing right now? That’s the point of a now page.


  • After using this site as a test run for con­vert­ing from Craft 4 to Craft 5, I’m prepar­ing the rest of the sites I man­age for the same migra­tion.
  • I’ve been read­ing up on the lat­est Lar­avel release.
  • I’m onboard­ing a new client that is part­ing ways with their cur­rent agency.



  • I’m rais­ing my cats to be good cit­i­zens.
  • I’m my gar­den­ing is in full swing. Toma­toes, kale, pota­toes, basil, gar­lic and pars­ley. Yum!

updat­ed 29MAY2024

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