SuperGeekery: A blog probably of interest only to nerds by John F Morton.

A blog prob­a­bly of inter­est only to nerds by John F Mor­ton.

Link List

Wel­come to my link library. These are not links to con­tent I have cre­at­ed unless you see that men­tioned in the link’s descrip­tion. These are links I found inter­est­ing enough to want to keep track of. If you read Craft Link List, the Craft CMS newslet­ter I used to write, this page is a replace­ment of sorts for that exer­cise. Enough talk. Let’s hit the links.


Wilco Loft Sans – SimpleBits

We had the hon­or of work­ing with the team at Wilco to cre­ate a unique type­face for the band. Inspired by an icon­ic GUI­TAR” sign hang­ing in The Loft (the band’s Chica­go record­ing stu­dio). Wilco Loft Sans is an all-caps, high con­trast sans serif. We took those hand­ful of let­ters found on the sign blow molds and expand­ed


DAK and the Golden Age of Gadget Catalogs –

Hi. My name is Cabel. And I’ve prob­a­bly got the neat­est job in the whole world. I wear many hats. But here on my per­son­al blog, I get to write about the things I real­ly care about, just for you. And from the fact that you’re read­ing this blog aLt all, I think you may…


Preparing for the end of third-party cookies - Chrome for Developers

If your site uses third-par­ty cook­ies it’s time to take action as we approach their dep­re­ca­tion. Chrome plans to dis­able third-par­ty cook­ies for 1% of users from Q1 2024 to facil­i­tate test­ing and then ramp up to 100% of users from Q3 2024. In this Cook­ie Count­down series, we’ll guide you through the time­line and imme­di­ate actions you can take to ensure your sites are pre­pared.


Craft CMS on Vimeo

Craft CMS is a mem­ber of Vimeo, the home for high qual­i­ty videos and the peo­ple who love them.


CSS Grid Generator

Set the num­bers and units of your columns and rows, and gen­er­ate a CSS grid. Drag with­in the box­es to cre­ate divs placed with­in the grid.



Jel­ly­cuts is the best way to cre­ate super­charged iOS short­cuts.


Patricia Piccinini | Artnet

View Patri­cia Piccinini’s 215 art­works on art­net. Find an in-depth biog­ra­phy, exhi­bi­tions, orig­i­nal art­works for sale, the lat­est news, and sold auc­tion prices. See avail­able pho­tographs, sculp­ture, and works on paper for sale and learn about the artist.


Analyze a GIF Animation – Online GIF Tools

This util­i­ty ana­lyzes a GIF ani­ma­tion. It shows the file size, dimen­sions, dura­tion, num­ber of frames, loop count, col­ors, and oth­er GIF prop­er­ties. It’s free and entire­ly brows­er-based. Gifab­u­lous!