The YouTubified Election of 2008
This morning, Hillary Clinton officially announced her presidential ambitions. My impression is that Hillary Clinton a really smart person, who is definitely up the difficult task of being president of the United States. The other candidate competing for my vote, Barack Obama, also seems like a smart, capable person who may also be up for that challenge. (I’m sorry, John Edwards, you’re not up to the challenge when competing against these two.) But who… + read on
The Latest Object of Desire: iPhone.
I have until June to figure out how I get out of my Verizon Wireless contract. That’s 5 months to plan. In case you’re one of the 54 people who didn’t already know about the iPhone. I’ve been at CES all week long where all kinds of amazing technology have been introduced. The only so-called “news alert” I received from about anything technology related was for the iPhone. I noticed people surfing for… + read on
No Ticket Needed. But Where’s Your Ticket?
I will admit, in my previous post I was saying that I would rather see Steve Jobs, so perhaps is karma that I got turned away at the door from seeing Bill Gates’ keynote address. I did come to Las Vegas a day early to see Bill Gates’ keynote address but was not able to get in tonight because I didn’t have a pink ticket to get into the ballroom. But why didn’t I… + read on
All Badged Up And Ready To Go
I’ve got my badge now and am prepared to meet Bill Gates. Will there be a line? Yes. Will Bill talk about Vista? Yes. Will I secretly wish I was seeing Steve Jobs? Yes.
CES 2007
I’m in Las Vegas, getting ready to attend CES. I’m heading to the Hilton to pick up my badge for the show. Tonight’s big event is seeing Bill Gates speak. To pick up your badge, you need 2 IDs. A driver’s license and a business card that is supposed to show that you work in the industry. I don’t really see how the business card part can really be that effective. I think Kinkos… + read on