Sound like an audio professional with AI using Adobe Enhance Audio.

I record a lot of videos for my clients. For example, for a legal compliance review, I recently had to demonstate how a form worked based on the user’s country of origin. That was a difficult thing to communicate in an email, but the screencast made the review go through easily. I don’t have a professional recording studio in my office, but I like to make my recording sound as good as possible. There’s… + read on
Run your own uptime service: Uptime Kuma with Traefik on Laravel Forge

In this post, I will show you how to install Uptime Kuma, an open-source monitoring service, on your server. The post assumes you’re using Laravel Forge, but you can adapt them for other services. The basic workflow will stay the same. Uptime Kuma can monitor a variety of services. I use it to watch this site for downtime. If there is an issue, Uptime Kuma will sends a notification to my phone via the… + read on
AI and your content. How to opt to opt-out.

TLDR: This post will show you how to opt out of OpenAI’s large language model (LLM) used for ChatGPT by updating the robots.txt file. We’ll also discuss ways to opt out of other LLMs and web scrapers. The article starts by discussing how the value exchange is broken between content creators and big tech after the introduction of AI. If you create content for a living or just as a hobby, and that content… + read on
Analytics a different way. Plausible Analytics on Laravel Forge with Traefik and Docker.

Nearly everyone uses Google Analytics. It’s the industry standard for a reason. It’s an extremely powerful tool, but legal and privacy issues may concern you. Want to try a different route? Come along with me. TLDR: Install a self-hosted instance of Plausible Analytics in a Docker container with routing by Traefik Proxy. Laravel Forge is used to provision the server and deploy code. Where we’re headed We’re going to use Laravel Forge to create… + read on
Entry Editor Links, a new Craft CMS plugin

I have published a new plugin on the Craft CMS plugin store: Entry Editor Links. This plugin is designed to help developers quickly create links to an entry’s edit page in the control panel for authorized users on the front end of a Craft site. Use Twig instead If you’re not statically caching your site, you can achieve a link in your Twig templates and avoid adding another plugin. One Darnley Road’s starter template… + read on
Learning the FileMaker Data API by trial and error.
I’ve recently completed work on integrating the FileMaker Data API into a Javascript application. I fumbled around during the process and wanted to document my thoughts while my impressions were still fresh. The most significant issue: finding the correct documentation I’ll start with the conclusion. My searches didn’t surface the correct documentation when I began the process, so I’ll share some URLs to begin. The Claris FileMaker Data API documentation: FileMaker 18 Data… + read on
Make Javascript module creation easier with Vite and automated GitHub Pages and npm publishing

Making a “share” button on a webpage is something that I repeatedly do. I recently decided to package up this code into an easily re-usable Javascript module. You can check out the Progressive Share Button on npm if you’re interested in the end result. The process of creating that module made me realize I didn’t have a good workflow to create a Javascript module. As I built the Progressive Share Button, I built a… + read on
Remaking Twitter thoughts
I created my Twitter account in 2007. It’s been my favorite social platform. The content and connections to people I get from Twitter aren’t replicated on any other platform that I’ve tried.There’s an obvious problem with my love of Twitter, and I’m not talking about the bad things it may or may not do to society. Twitter’s financials have never been good, and a company that regularly loses money is unsustainable.I want someone to… + read on
Stable Diffusion: Exploring trained models and unique tokens for more accurate text-to-image results

Before I get started, I’ve got a preamble to this post. I’m only in the early discovery process of AI-powered text-to-image technology. There’s a good chance you know more than I do about this topic! I’m writing this to document what I’ve learned. If you’re reading this, you might be on the same journey. If so, I hope you find this helpful. If you peaked ahead in this post, you’d see all kinds of… + read on
RSS feeds and unbound prefix errors
I recently was asked to add an image to an existing RSS feed that had been working for a client for years. This is the simplified version, with only a single item, of what I was starting with. <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf‑8”?> <rss version=“2.0” xmlns:atom=“”> <channel> <title>Example Site Name</title> <atom:link href=“” rel=“self” type=“application/rss+xml” /> <link></link> <description>News from Example</description> <language>en-us</language> <pubDate>Fri, 08 Apr 2022 09:53:25 ‑0500</pubDate> <lastBuildDate>Fri, 08 Apr 2022 09:53:25 ‑0500</lastBuildDate> <item> <title>My Example Entry… + read on