Google Analytics, Ghostery, and Event Tracking
At the time I write this post, Google Analytics has a new version in beta called “Universal Analytics”. It’s basically Google Analytics version 3. This means that code you may have relied on during the version 2 of Google analytics may no longer work. Google suggests that all new projects moved to version 3 now. It does offer “real time” analytics, so you can see who is on your site at that very moment.… + read on
Use a cookie to iterate between visits with PHP.
Here’s a small code snippet that I use to increment a value between visits using a PHP cookie. I use it, for example, when I have 3 different images that could go on a page, and I want to serve up the next one in the sequence on subsequent visits to the page. I just use the “$num” where appropriate. You can edit the ‘2’ in line 14 to change the wrap around value… + read on
MAMP and Navicat and Character Set Hell.
I’ve used Navicat for years. I’ve used MAMP Pro for years. Both tools are must-haves as far as I’m concerned, but I had been having problems with special characters being corrupted for nearly 6 months. Every curly quote, m‑dash or umlaut was torturous. Briefly, the problem was that those special characters (like curly quotes) would be changed to question marks in my database after I had migrated it to or from my local development… + read on
Auto Print an HTML Page

I recently worked on a project for a client who wanted to allow a user to view and print several recipes directly from a Flash banner. There were other ways of interacting with the recipes, like emailing, sharing on Facebook, and sharing on Twitter. (I don’t go into those other things in this post, but you can find me talking about how to do things like that elsewhere on SuperGeekery.) The client also wanted… + read on
Untangling MX: Setting up DNS records for a web site with different mail server.

I recently had to set up an MX record for a client and although I’ve set them up before, it suddenly made sense to me in a way that it hadn’t before. Perhaps my story will help someone else have a similar epiphany. Basic name server set up. My client had their site and their mail all handled by the same serving company. This meant their name server records were basic. There were 3… + read on
A Quick Way To Password Protect a Web Page.

There are a variety of ways to password protect pages online. Perhaps the easiest is to use an .htaccess file. The reason this is the easiest way is because it’s built into the control panel at many hosting companies. I use Dreamhost and it’s control panel makes it automatic. Sweet. If you don’t have that as part of your hosting package, check out this article at htmllite for a walk through on do it… + read on
The Passing of Michael Jackon and Mass Media.

Yesterday was Michael Jackson’s Memorial service. The world mourned. Yes, the world mourned. As I watched TV with much of the world, I wondered what we were mourning. I didn’t ask that as a way of disparaging Michael’s talents. I’ve been a fan of his music like you probably have too. But the fact that I can even say that you were probably a fan of his music is what I think we’re mourning,… + read on
Being a Geek on Election Night
I spent election night using technology to an extreme. Twitter, Facebook, Text Message, and a variety of sites and widgets. My friend Eduardo, aka Dudu, in Brazil and I, in New York, exchanged quite a few tweets about the night’s outcome emerged. Social technology allowed this great night to be enjoyed by a huge number of people all across the globe and I’m very happy to have been a part of it. Dudu asked… + read on
Digital Evangelists Roundtable, Round 1
This past Thursday night I was lucky to be part of group of people got together to talk about the state of digital advertising, technology and what the future holds for marketing in the digital age. John Haake, from Eyeblaster, was the host at ValBella. The evening wasn’t presented as an Eyeblaster event though. No one talked about their technology or what they were selling. It was just a discussion amongst people who care… + read on
Found Home Movie from 1976
Several months ago, I brought a Super 8 film reel to Pac-Lab, a film transfer shop in New York. If you’ve got some reels of film you want to be transferred, I would highly recommend contacting them. (Update: Sadly, Pac-lab closed in Spring 2014.) They were really friendly. This single roll cost me $35 to transfer, but it would have been cheaper if I had more than one reel. It was certainly worth the… + read on