SuperGeekery: A blog probably of interest only to nerds by John F Morton.

A blog prob­a­bly of inter­est only to nerds by John F Mor­ton.

Link List

Wel­come to my link library. These are not links to con­tent I have cre­at­ed unless you see that men­tioned in the link’s descrip­tion. These are links I found inter­est­ing enough to want to keep track of. If you read Craft Link List, the Craft CMS newslet­ter I used to write, this page is a replace­ment of sorts for that exer­cise. Enough talk. Let’s hit the links.


Coolify: self-hosting made simple

Deploy Sta­t­ic, Node­JS, Svelte, React, Vue, Next, Nuxt, Astro, PHP, Rust, and more types of appli­ca­tions has­sle-free with auto­mat­ic reverse proxy and free SSL cer­tifi­cates.


Fluid Typography Calculator

Cal­cu­lat­ing a flu­id font size can be tricky. This is the tool I use to make pre­cise flu­id typog­ra­phy with the clamp CSS func­tion.


Dot All 2022 videos

Did you miss Dot All in 2022 in Brook­lyn? Now you can catch up on the ses­sions you missed. You can’t replace meet­ing the peo­ple, unfor­tu­nate­ly.


HTML with Superpowers: Web Components

Intro­duc­tion to Web Com­po­nents. This is a paid course, but check out the get­ting start­ed” doc­u­men­ta­tion. It’s a good doc­u­ment all on its own and will teach you a lot about web com­po­nents.


Testing Craft CMS sites with Pest

Test­ing a Craft CMS web­site might be less dif­fi­cult than you think. In this on the for­tra­b­bit blog, learn about fron­tend test­ing Craft CMS web­sites.


chroma.js palette helper

This tool will help you mas­ter mul­ti-hued, mul­ti-stops col­or scales. What is that? While a (lin­ear) vari­a­tion in light­ness is the most impor­tant qual­i­ty of a sequen­tial col­or scale, vary­ing the hue can bring fur­ther sig­nif­i­cant improve­ments. Hue vari­a­tion pro­vides a bet­ter col­or con­trast and thus makes the col­ors eas­i­er to dif­fer­en­ti­ate.” — Learn more here.


Migrating a Mastodon Account

The Mastodon instance I’ve been using,, is shut­ting down in a few months, so I’ve migrat­ed my Mastodon account to a new serv­er. I want­ed to share the steps I went through in case the details are help­ful to any­one, espe­cial­ly oth­ers migrat­ing off that instance – espe­cial­ly a warn­ing about when you lose access to your old account. I don’t know if these are the best steps to fol­low, but they worked for me.


UX Research Templates

Includ­ing user research plan, user inter­view ques­tions, user inter­view scripts, usabil­i­ty test­ing script, and more. Whether you’re an aspir­ing or expe­ri­enced UX designer/​researcher, I hope these tem­plates can make your work eas­i­er and more effec­tive!



ArrowJS is an exper­i­men­tal tool for reac­tive pro­gram­ming inter­faces using native JavaScript. It’s not real­ly a frame­work, but not less pow­er­ful than a frame­work either. At its core — ArrowJS is an admis­sion that while we devel­op­ers were falling in love with UI frame­works — JavaScript itself got good, real­ly good.


Work Sans - Google Fonts

Work Sans is a type­face fam­i­ly based loose­ly on ear­ly Grotesques, such as those by Stephen­son Blake, Miller & Richard and Bauer­schen Giesserei. The Reg­u­lar weig


Figtree - Google Fonts

Figtree is a clean yet friend­ly geo­met­ric sans serif font for usage in web and mobile apps. It’s light-heart­ed and crisp when used for text, yet still retains s


Public Sans - Google Fonts

Based on Libre Franklin, Pub­lic Sans is a strong, neu­tral type­face for inter­faces, text, and head­ings. It was Devel­oped by the Unit­ed States Web Design Sys­tem.


DM Sans - Google Fonts

DM Sans is a low-con­trast geo­met­ric sans serif design, intend­ed for use at small­er text sizes. DM Sans sup­ports a Latin Extend­ed glyph set, enabling type­set­ting