CraftCMS plugin: Social Share
Generate social media buttons, share dialogs and share counts.
SuperGeekery: A blog probably of interest only to nerds by John F Morton.
Welcome to my link library. These are not links to content I have created unless you see that mentioned in the link’s description. These are links I found interesting enough to want to keep track of. If you read Craft Link List, the Craft CMS newsletter I used to write, this page is a replacement of sorts for that exercise. Enough talk. Let’s hit the links.
Generate social media buttons, share dialogs and share counts.
Find people to follow on Mastodon by expanding your follow graph.
HomePod for all your devices.
✨ is an open-source platform that allows developers to create event-driven background tasks directly in their code.
A simple GitHub pages repository for hosting your NIP-05 identifier.
Our bespoke Craft CMS plugin solution for streamlining the build process. We break down how we built a custom plugin to improve our clients experience.
Products that can be hazardous to humans, animals and the environment often lurk in basements and clutter up cabinets. Here’s how to dispose of them safely.
ZeroTier creates secure networks between on-premise, cloud, desktop, and mobile devices. (Sort of like Tailscale.)
Nebula Overlay Networks: Extend network access with on-demand, encrypted tunnels between any hosts on any network. Defined Networking is the company behind the Nebula open-source project.
An app from Consumer Reports that helps automate opting out of data-sharing from a wide variety of companies.
Free and high-quality cake invoice template, you can quickly create professional invoices in Google Docs, Google Sheets, Excel, Word, PDF.
HTTP security headers protects your users from common attacks. AWS CloudFront makes it easy to add HTTP security headers to your application. Tagged with cloudfront, security, aws, audit.
The way we navigate to subfolders within Craft is about to change.
A collection of Codepens for 2022 selected by the GSAP team.
OWASP Top 10 module that adds a few security improvements in form of a customizable server middlewares to your Nuxt application. All middlewares can be modified or disabled if needed. They can also be configured to work only on certain routes. By default all middlewares are configured to work globally.
Michelle Singletary’s Money Milestones: Trusted financial advice for any age. Filter financial advice by age. Nice UX and good advice.
Digital theorist Cal Newport is arguing for a new way to work. I like his idea of slow productivity: “What I’ve identified is three principles: doing fewer things, working at a natural pace, but obsessing over quality. That trio of properties better hits the sweet spot of how we’re actually wired and produces valuable meaningful work, but it’s sustainable.”
Free and liberated ebooks, carefully produced for the true book lover. Download free ebooks with professional-quality formatting and typography, in formats compatible with your ereader.
Sindre Sorhus has made using Stable Diffusion easy on macOS, assuming you have a computer with an M1 or M2 processor. The app is highly optimized and runs on the Apple Neural Engine.
Until GitHub allows you to link back to your Mastodon account with its built-in fields, use this technique to add a verified link back to your GitHub profile.
Deploy Static, NodeJS, Svelte, React, Vue, Next, Nuxt, Astro, PHP, Rust, and more types of applications hassle-free with automatic reverse proxy and free SSL certificates.
A side-effect when showing scrollbars on the web is that the layout of the content might change depending on the type of scrollbar. The scrollbar-gutter CSS property aims to give us developers more control over that. Works in Chrome and Firefox. No support in Safari yet.
Calculating a fluid font size can be tricky. This is the tool I use to make precise fluid typography with the clamp
CSS function.
Ben Croker measures the performance of a Craft CMS demo site and the impact of using Blitz.
Did you miss Dot All in 2022 in Brooklyn? Now you can catch up on the sessions you missed. You can’t replace meeting the people, unfortunately.
Adam Argyle has a post on using the View Transition API, which is still a canary feature now, to power text transition with CSS.
Introduction to Web Components. This is a paid course, but check out the “getting started” documentation. It’s a good document all on its own and will teach you a lot about web components.
The ZimaBoard is a small hackable x86 server, but is its versatility a strength or a weakness, compared to many purpose built alternatives?
Create, edit and save Tailwind CSS color shades based on a given hexcode or pick a color from an image.
I wish I could share some additional info about this site, but I’ve got nothing for you.