SuperGeekery: A blog probably of interest only to nerds by John F Morton.

A blog prob­a­bly of inter­est only to nerds by John F Mor­ton.

Link List

Wel­come to my link library. These are not links to con­tent I have cre­at­ed unless you see that men­tioned in the link’s descrip­tion. These are links I found inter­est­ing enough to want to keep track of. If you read Craft Link List, the Craft CMS newslet­ter I used to write, this page is a replace­ment of sorts for that exer­cise. Enough talk. Let’s hit the links.

Tagged with ”webdev”

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Fit-to-Width Text with scroll-driven animations

What if I will tell you how we could solve fit-to-width text with pure CSS with­out any hard­cod­ed para­me­ters? Curi­ous­ly, scroll-dri­ven ani­ma­tions will allow us to do just that! Join me as I con­tin­ue explor­ing the exper­i­men­tal imple­men­ta­tions of the lat­est specs.


Building a dialog component

A foun­da­tion­al overview of how to build col­or-adap­tive, respon­sive, and acces­si­ble mini and mega modals with the


Getting started with View Transitions on multi-page apps |

Spurred by last week’s ShopTalk I rolled out View Tran­si­tions here on my sta­t­ic Jekyll site. I hadn’t real­ized View Tran­si­tions for mul­ti-page apps (MPAs) and sta­t­ic sites are ready for test­ing behind a flag in Chrome 113 . View Tran­si­tions for MPAs are a fea­ture that’s high on my CSS wish­list, so I got to it. It took less than an hour to do, requires zero JavaScript, and two lines of CSS. I’m pleased with the results.


Make your website editable

Make changes to your web­site while brows­ing it with an open-source web­site tem­plate so you can build native­ly editable web­sites and appli­ca­tions.


Open Web Components

Open Web Com­po­nents pro­vides a set of defaults, rec­om­men­da­tions and tools to help facil­i­tate your Web Com­po­nent.


The Gold Standard Checklist for Web Components

This is a work­ing draft of a check­list to define a gold stan­dard” for web com­po­nents that aspire to be as pre­dictable, flex­i­ble, reli­able, and use­ful as the stan­dard HTML ele­ments.