SuperGeekery: A blog probably of interest only to nerds by John F Morton.

A blog prob­a­bly of inter­est only to nerds by John F Mor­ton.

Link List

Wel­come to my link library. These are not links to con­tent I have cre­at­ed unless you see that men­tioned in the link’s descrip­tion. These are links I found inter­est­ing enough to want to keep track of. If you read Craft Link List, the Craft CMS newslet­ter I used to write, this page is a replace­ment of sorts for that exer­cise. Enough talk. Let’s hit the links.

Tagged with ”sans serif”

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DM Sans - Google Fonts

DM Sans is a low-con­trast geo­met­ric sans serif design, intend­ed for use at small­er text sizes. DM Sans sup­ports a Latin Extend­ed glyph set, enabling type­set­ting


Work Sans - Google Fonts

Work Sans is a type­face fam­i­ly based loose­ly on ear­ly Grotesques, such as those by Stephen­son Blake, Miller & Richard and Bauer­schen Giesserei. The Reg­u­lar weig


Figtree - Google Fonts

Figtree is a clean yet friend­ly geo­met­ric sans serif font for usage in web and mobile apps. It’s light-heart­ed and crisp when used for text, yet still retains s


Public Sans - Google Fonts

Based on Libre Franklin, Pub­lic Sans is a strong, neu­tral type­face for inter­faces, text, and head­ings. It was Devel­oped by the Unit­ed States Web Design Sys­tem.


Outfit - Google Fonts

A beau­ti­ful geo­met­ric sans: The offi­cial type­face for brand automa­tion com­pa­ny out​fit​.io. Inspired by the lig­a­ture-rich out­fit word­mark, Out​fit​.io is delight­ed


Poppins - Google Fonts

Geo­met­ric sans serif type­faces have been a pop­u­lar design tool ever since these actors took to the world’s stage. Pop­pins is one of the new com­ers to this long


Open Sans - Google Fonts

Open Sans is a human­ist sans serif type­face designed by Steve Mat­te­son, Type Direc­tor of Ascen­der Corp. This ver­sion con­tains the com­plete 897 char­ac­ter set, wh


Hind - Google Fonts

Hind is an Open Source type­face sup­port­ing the Devana­gari and Latin scripts. Devel­oped explic­it­ly for use in User Inter­face design, the Hind font fam­i­ly include


Lexend - Google Fonts

Lex­end fonts are intend­ed to reduce visu­al stress and so improve read­ing per­for­mance. Ini­tial­ly they were designed with dyslex­ia and strug­gling read­ers in mind.