SuperGeekery: A blog probably of interest only to nerds by John F Morton.

A blog prob­a­bly of inter­est only to nerds by John F Mor­ton.

Link List

Wel­come to my link library. These are not links to con­tent I have cre­at­ed unless you see that men­tioned in the link’s descrip­tion. These are links I found inter­est­ing enough to want to keep track of. If you read Craft Link List, the Craft CMS newslet­ter I used to write, this page is a replace­ment of sorts for that exer­cise. Enough talk. Let’s hit the links.

Tagged with ”fonts”

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Be Vietnam Pro - Google Fonts

Be Viet­nam Pro is a Neo Grotesk well suit­ed to tech com­pa­nies and star­tups. The design­ers refined Viet­namese let­ter­forms with dia­crit­ics adap­tive forms for spe­cif­ic use cas­es and engi­neered them for bet­ter read­abil­i­ty.


Lexend - Google Fonts

Lex­end fonts are intend­ed to reduce visu­al stress and so improve read­ing per­for­mance. Ini­tial­ly they were designed with dyslex­ia and strug­gling read­ers in mind.