SuperGeekery: A blog probably of interest only to nerds by John F Morton.

A blog prob­a­bly of inter­est only to nerds by John F Mor­ton.

So long, Craft Link List, and hello again, Craft Link List

How to decide

Hel­lo Craft friends! I’ve got news to share about Craft Link List, the Craft CMS-focused newslet­ter I’ve writ­ten since May 2015. Craft Link List #127 was the last issue I worked on before hand­ing over the newslet­ter to the Craft CMS team.

The deci­sion to stop writ­ing the newslet­ter was dif­fi­cult. The dia­gram above is from this tweet that I stum­bled upon in ear­ly Decem­ber. I book­marked it and kept com­ing back to it as 2020 final­ly came to a close. I real­ized it was time for a change.

I enjoy both being a Craft devel­op­er and the writ­ing process. The newslet­ter allowed me to indulge in both of those inter­ests. Plus, the feed­back from read­ers I’ve received over the years has been incred­i­bly reward­ing. To those who’ve reached out, thank you for your kind words.

After five and a half years, I want­ed and need­ed to free up time for new things. Like most devel­op­ers, I’ve got my share of ideas I’d like to work on. And, of course, I’ve got the domain names already reg­is­tered. Prob­a­bly way too many of them. You too?

The best news is that Craft Link List is not going away. With Pix­el & Ton­ic at the helm, it is in very good hands. I am hap­py that I still get to read new issues and I hope you are too.

If you’re not sub­scribed already, vis­it craftlin​klist​.com, sign up, and see what’s going on in the world of Craft CMS. :tumbler_​glass:

Hel­lo Craft friends! I’ve got news to share about Craft Link List, the Craft CMS-focused newslet­ter I’ve writ­ten since May 2015. Craft Link List #127 was the last issue I worked on before hand­ing over the newslet­ter to the Craft CMS team. 

The deci­sion to stop writ­ing the newslet­ter was dif­fi­cult. The dia­gram above is from this tweet that I stum­bled upon in ear­ly Decem­ber. I book­marked it and kept com­ing back to it as 2020 final­ly came to a close. I real­ized it was time for a change.

I enjoy both being a Craft devel­op­er and the writ­ing process. The newslet­ter allowed me to indulge in both of those inter­ests. Plus, the feed­back from read­ers I’ve received over the years has been incred­i­bly reward­ing. To those who’ve reached out, thank you for your kind words.

After five and a half years, I want­ed and need­ed to free up time for new things. Like most devel­op­ers, I’ve got my share of ideas I’d like to work on. And, of course, I’ve got the domain names already reg­is­tered. Prob­a­bly way too many of them. You too?

The best news is that Craft Link List is not going away. With Pix­el & Ton­ic at the helm, it is in very good hands. I am hap­py that I still get to read new issues and I hope you are too.

If you’re not sub­scribed already, vis­it craftlin​klist​.com, sign up, and see what’s going on in the world of Craft CMS. :tumbler_​glass: